


 そのダーク・ツリーの存在は視覚的には確認できないのである。やはり、それは、Media Pointの穴を介したイデア・エネルギーのことだろう。

追記:以下、アナクシマンドロス宇宙論はきわめて知的刺激をもたらす。火の車輪としての宇宙観である。これは、Media Pointで説明できそうである。また、穴が惑星等になるということであるが、この穴もMedia Pointで説明できるのかもしれない。
 イデア振動数によって、Media Pointにおいて、太陽、諸惑星、さらには、諸宇宙ができるのではないだろうか。
 つまり、端的に言えば、星なり、星雲なり、「太陽系」・惑星なりは、イデア振動数の多様性・差異に基づいて、発現・現象しているものではないだろうか。つまり、星々は、Media Pointの多様な現象ということになるのではないだろうか。今はここで留める。


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディアWikipedia)』

物質の性質についても3人の哲学者には意見の相違があった。それぞれが異なる宇宙観を持っていた。タレスは地球 は水の上に浮いていると、特定の星 の運動に注目し、それらを惑星 と呼んだ。一方、アナクシマンドロスは、地球は宇宙の中心にあり、宇宙は中空の同心円の車輪で、その外側は火に満たされ、さまざまな間隔で穿たれた穴から見えるその明かりが太陽や月だとした。アナクシメネスは、太陽や月は、星々で充たされた天空の覆いの回りにある、平たい円盤であるとした。(尚、赤色文字等強調はrenshi)


Milesian school
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anaximander placed the Earth at the center of a universe composed of hollow, concentric wheels filled with fire, and pierced by holes at various intervals, which appeared as the sun , the moon , and the other stars.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Map of Anaximander's universe

Anaximander's bold use of non-mythological explanatory hypotheses considerably distinguishes him from previous cosmology writers such as Hesiod . It confirms that pre-Socratic philosophers were making an early effort to demythify physical processes. His major contribution to history was writing the oldest prose document about the Universe and the origins of life ; for this he is often called the "Father of Cosmology " and founder of astronomy. However, pseudo-Plutarch states that he still viewed celestial bodies as deities.[13]

Anaximander was the first to conceive a mechanical model of the world . In his model, the Earth floats very still in the centre of the infinite, not supported by anything. It remains "in the same place because of its indifference", a point of view that Aristotle considered ingenious, but false, in On the Heavens .[14] Its curious shape is that of a cylinder [15] with a height one-third of its diameter. The flat top forms the inhabited world, which is surrounded by a circular oceanic mass.

Such a model allowed the concept that celestial bodies could pass under it. It goes further than Thales’ claim of a world floating on water, for which Thales faced the problem of explaining what would contain this ocean, while Anaximander solved it by introducing his concept of infinite (apeiron).
Illustration of Anaximander's models of the universe. On the left, daytime in summer; on the right, nighttime in winter.

At the origin, after the separation of hot and cold , a ball of flame appeared that surrounded Earth like bark on a tree. This ball broke apart to form the rest of the Universe. It resembled a system of hollow concentric wheels, filled with fire, with the rims pierced by holes like those of a flute. Consequently, the Sun was the fire that one could see through a hole the same size as the Earth on the farthest wheel, and an eclipse corresponded with the occlusion of that hole. The diameter of the solar wheel was twenty-seven times that of the Earth (or twenty-eight, depending on the sources)[16] and the lunar wheel, whose fire was less intense, eighteen (or nineteen) times. Its hole could change shape, thus explaining lunar phases . The stars and the planets , located closer,[17] followed the same model.[18]

Anaximander was the first astronomer to consider the Sun as a huge mass, and consequently, to realize how far from Earth it might be, and the first to present a system where the celestial bodies turned at different distances. Furthermore, according to Diogenes Laertius (II, 2), he built a celestial sphere . This invention undoubtedly made him the first to realize the obliquity of the Zodiac as the Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder reports in Natural History (II, 8). It is a little early to use the term ecliptic , but his knowledge and work on astronomy confirm that he must have observed the inclination of the celestial sphere in relation to the plane of the Earth to explain the seasons. The doxographer and theologian Aetius attributes to Pythagoras the exact measurement of the obliquity.


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